Learning Library

Printable: Brain Break Activity Cards

Brain slumps happen. Brain breaks help!

Brain Break Activity Cards for Teachers Printable

Did you know brain slumps are real?

Give your students and their brains a break after a long period of working or during transitions. Let them take a break, move their body, and regain their focus!

With these cards, brain breaks become even more exciting! Keep these in a pile or in a container and randomly select a brain break activity card to complete. You never know what you will get, making it intriguing for your students, and it gives you a brain break as well!

These cards can be reused all year long, changing the activity slightly each time, since they are very open-ended!

For example:

  1. Breathe like an animal? Which animal? How many animals?
  2. Meditate? Follow along with a YouTube video!
  3. Take a yoga break? Which pose or poses? Or, follow along with a video of your choosing!

🔗Download your free Brain Break Activity Cards!🧠

Originally posted 2024

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