TeacherLists Blog

20 Reasons You’re an Amazing Mom

1. You can solve most problems with a wet wipe or safety pin.

2. The tooth fairy never misses an appointment.

3. Boo-boos are no match for your kisses.

4. There’s one less monster under the bed.

5. The kids will be washed and dressed for the day, but you take work meetings in pajama bottoms and bed head.

6. You spend more time at a restaurant cutting, cooling, and feeding food to your children than actually eating yourself.

7. After much begging, you searched local animal shelters for the perfect family dog only to end up caring for the dog on your own.

8. Doing your business has become everyone’s business.

9. You’ve sworn not to be a short order cook, but the thought of someone going “hungry” means making second dinners almost every night.

10. Heading out the door is a literal juggling act between car keys, backpacks, little hands, a travel mug, and tote bag.

11. You spend weeks constructing an elaborate costume only to hear your child change their mind days before Halloween.

12. You work overtime to make the holiday season appear magical — all the while you’re drowning in wish lists and wrapping paper and remembering to move the elf around the house.

13. Cold and flu season means a tidal wave of sneezing, coughing, and heaving in your face.

14. Orthodontics

15. You can quiet a room with one look.

16. You have to catch Real Housewives on your phone because you never get to the TV first.

17. Your brain can track everyone’s appointments, play dates, rehearsals, and school events.

18. In 30 seconds, you can find that thing everyone else gave up on finding.

19. It takes a lot to gross you out.

20. They drive you crazy, but you wouldn’t change a thing.

Mother’s Day and Every Day

Mothers, you never clock out, call in sick, or take a vacation day. On the contrary, you show up to some of the toughest, stinkiest, and most outlandish situations incredibly with a smile. Remember that new mother’s glow? That was your halo forming. It may appear a little less radiant nowadays, but you still have the patience of a saint.

You are selfless, strong, and loving. You are heaven-sent.

So, mothers, here’s to you and every cuddle, kiss, and piggyback ride. On Mother’s Day and every day, you deserve all the praise in the world!

Originally posted 2021

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