TeacherLists Blog

How To: Update Your List on TeacherLists

Everything you need to know about updating school supply lists on TeacherLists.com.


Ready to update your list for the new school year? Realize you forgot to add an item? Need to change a quantity? Updating your list on TeacherLists is super simple!

To start, just log into your account and select “actions” to the left of your list to see a drop-down of actions you can take relating to your list.


Is the list exactly the same for the upcoming school year? If so, simply click “update school year” in the drop-down menu to immediately make the list current.


Need to add an item or make a change to your list? Just click the “edit” button in the drop-down menu.


You can now change the list name and teacher name, update the school year, and modify your notes. You can also add items, remove items, update quantities—even add a description for an item such as a specific color or size, or a qualifier if you don’t need all students to bring in the item.

Once you’re done, just click “save” at the bottom of the page. Your list is now updated and immediately available for parents to view!


Ready to get started? Log in to update your lists now!

We hope you find TeacherLists super easy to use.  If you have feedback or need help, please contact us.

Originally posted 2014

Monthly tips, ideas, giveaways, and help.

24 Comments for How To: Update Your List on TeacherLists


I am trying to update a list and have tried numerous times to hover over the list in different places. I cannot seem to get the “edit” button. Please advise.


    Hi, Sorry to hear you are having trouble. Try hitting your F5 key a few times, if you still cannot see the option to edit please give us a call at 800-644-3561 or email us at tlsupport@teacherlists.com.

Nicole Fiore

Need those bic pens …. would love for my classroom.


Is there a way to update multiple lists at once rather than one at a time?


    Hi Amber,
    You can only update lists one at a time if you are adding or removing items or changing quantities. If the list is staying the same and you just need to update the school year, it is super simple. Just log into your account, hover over the list and click “update to school year 2015-2016”.

    We also just rolled out a new feature – the Power Loader. If you have your updated lists in a Word doc, PDF, Excel file, etc. you can upload them via the Power Loader and we will enter them into TeacherLists for you. You can find out more about how it works here

    Thanks for using TeacherLists!

Laura Weisenberger

Is there a way to delete my archived lists that I no longer need to see?


    Hi Laura,
    Contact us at tlsupport@teacherlists.com with the name of the school and the lists you would like deleted and we will remove them for you.

Lori Ince

I am trying to delete a very old teacher list for our school. Lori Metscher no longer works for us. Is this possible? Thank you.


    Hi Lori,
    We have archived Lori’s list. Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.

Lisa Kensok

I am trying to edit my list and the system doesn’t seem to like items it doesn’t already have in the master list. For example, I am trying to enter 1 3″ Binder, and the system rejects it as an error. If I try to edit last year’s item “1 2 or 3 Inch Binder,” it won’t let me edit it. What gives?


How can I print out lists without the add cutting off my lists?


    Hi Maria,
    The best way to print is to click the yellow print button on the upper right corner of the screen. It will create a PDF file for you.


Sandra Kessler

Our school had changed. It is now Line Mountain Elementary
(Dalmatia Elementary needs to be deleted )
Address change~ 542 W Shamokin St
Trevorton, Pa.17881


2 items:
It keeps giving me a message that it cannot save.
How do I delete a copy of a list?


I archived lists so I can make changes and reactivate. I can’t figure out how to edit them now that they’re archived. The instructions made it sound simple but I’m having a hard time figuring it out.

Please help:)

tina Ficklin

I am having difficulty updating emails. We have had some staff changes and I need to fix the emails. Please advise.

Kimberly Hutcheson

When I open my account, it says I have no lists. And the lists that appear when I go to “my schools” is unable to be edited. An updated list for this year was sent, but it still has a teacher and class list that shouldn’t be seen.


    Hi Kimberly,

    Someone from our support team will be in touch with you shortly.



How do I choose items that will match so parents don’t have to look for each item. When I go into our lists only a few of the item find a match? I also want Ticonderoga pencils as an option not just the generic.


    Hi Mindy!

    If you go in to edit your list and click “Add Item” at the bottom, you can type any item you want, just make sure to hit “Click here to add this item” at the bottom of the drop down menu. Let me know if this does not answer your question!

    – TeacherLists

Jenny Zimmerman

I just uploaded the 2018/2019 list for my school. While doing so, I noticed that there were already old lists from previous school years that are no longer accurate that were already listed for my school. What can I do to get those old lists removed?


    Hi Jenny,

    Great question! To archive an old list, simply login to your account, hover over the list you wish to archive and hit the red “Archive” button. For more info, check out this blog post on how to archive old lists: https://www.teacherlists.com/blog/how-to-archive-your-back-to-school-supply-list/

    If you have any other questions, feel free to call us at 1-800-644-3561, ext. 6. We’re happy to help!

    – TeacherLists

Joyce Hurley

I am trying to update a list from last year to use for the 20/21 school year. I am able to change the item description and click on the “add as entered” option. However, it does not save the description. Even trying to add a new item it is not saving. Am I able to update a previous year without uploading new lists?


Is there a way to change the order of items within the list without deleting the item and retyping it?