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Learning Styles Quiz: What Is Your Child’s Learning Style?

Learning is not one size fits all. In a typical classroom, some kids process information best by hearing the teacher explain it, some learn by seeing what’s on the chalkboard, and others learn through hands-on exercises. That’s why understanding your child’s learning style is an important part of supporting him in school. Together with your child, take our learning styles quiz below to determine which of the different types of learning is the best fit. Then keep reading to learn more about each specific style, plus tips to help your child learn more effectively.

Learning Styles Quiz

Complete this learning styles quiz together with your child, selecting the statements he agrees with.


1. I would rather read instructions than listen to the teacher explain them.

2. I like having someone explain directions out loud.

3. When I study, I have to take a lot of breaks to get up and move around.

4. I draw a lot of pictures during class.

5. I remember things better if I write them down.

6. I study spelling words by reciting them out loud.

7. Charts, diagrams, and maps help me understand what I’m reading.

8. I can concentrate better if I have a snack when I study.

9. I like to listen to music while I’m studying.

10. I am good at visualizing what I’m studying in my mind.

11. It’s easy for me to remember jokes.

12. I can think better if I tap my foot or play with a pencil.

Submit your answers to find out your child’s learning style, then read below for explanations and tips for each style.

Adapted from “Learning Style Survey for Young Learners” by Andrew D. Cohen and Rebecca L. Oxford and “Learning Style Survey” by Maureen McKay
(Learning styles key) Auditory statements: 2, 6, 9, 11; Kinesthetic statements: 3, 4, 8, 12; Visual statements: 1, 5, 7, 10

document.querySelector(“#quiz-submit”).onclick = function() {
var returnString = “”;
var totalA = 0;
var totalV = 0;
var totalK = 0;
for (i=0; i<document.learningQuiz.a.length;i++){

if (document.learningQuiz.a[i].checked) {

if (document.learningQuiz.k[i].checked) {

if (document.learningQuiz.v[i].checked) {

returnString = "You selected "+ totalA +" auditory learning statements, "+ totalK +" kinesthetic learning statements, and "+ totalV +" visual learning statements.";
document.querySelector('#test-results').innerHTML = returnString;
return returnString;

Understanding Learning Styles: Auditory Learners

Auditory learners prefer listening to explanations over reading them and may like to study by reciting information aloud. This type of learner may want to have background music while studying, or they may be distracted by noises and need a quiet space to study.

Strategies that work well for auditory learners include:

  • Talking to themselves or with others about what they’re learning
  • Reciting important information aloud, perhaps recording it and playing it back
  • Reading a book and listening to the audio book at the same time
  • Using word associations
  • Setting information to a tune and singing it to help remember it
  • Limiting distracting noises

Understanding Learning Styles: Kinesthetic Learners

Kinesthetic learners learn by doing and touching. They may have trouble sitting still while studying, and they are better able to understand information if they are active while studying.

Strategies for kinesthetic learners include:

  • Reading aloud and tracking words on a page with a finger
  • Writing things down multiple times to commit them to memory
  • Highlighting and underlining
  • Playing with a stress ball or toy while studying
  • Moving around or taking frequent breaks
  • Doing hands-on activities, such as building models or playing games

Understanding Learning Styles: Visual Learners

Visual learners process new information by reading, looking at graphics, or watching a demonstration. Children with this learning style benefit from seeing information on a chalkboard or in an illustration, but they may grow impatient listening for long periods of time.

Strategies for visual learners include:

  • Using flash cards
  • Studying charts, tables, and maps
  • Drawing illustrations
  • Writing things down and reviewing notes
  • Highlighting and underlining
  • Color-coding information

Tips for All Learners

Most people use a combination of learning styles but have a clear preference for just one. Understanding your child’s learning style can make it easier for you to communicate with your child and can help reduce frustration at homework time.

Once you know your child’s primary learning style, it’s a good idea to let his teacher know what kind of approaches help him learn best. Educators may be more willing to work with you if you’re giving them ideas that work for your child.

Although it’s tempting to stick with what works, keep in mind that a child’s preferred learning style might change as she grows. Plus, people who are able to learn in a variety of ways can more readily absorb information. Help your child practice using different kinds of skills.

For example, parents can use a variety of approaches to help kids learn math facts. When your child gets bored with flash cards (a visual and auditory strategy), let him play a family board game that uses two dice and ask him to count how many spaces each player should advance. This is a more kinesthetic approach but may also appeal to visual and auditory learners. If your child resists studying her spelling words, you can ask her to spell the words on a table using Scrabble tiles.

Being aware of your child’s learning style can reduce homework battles and strengthen parent-child relationships. It can be a great way to bond with your kids and to impart knowledge. And it’s fun!

Originally posted in 2008 and updated regularly.

Originally posted 2018

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