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Mother’s Day “Mom-Me” Time Activities from Real Moms

When did going to the bathroom alone turn into “me time?” Can you really consider it going to the bathroom alone with little ones knocking on the door the entire time?

Moms work hard, and they hardly get a break. According to a study conducted by Welch’s, American moms work an average of 98 hours per week. They “clock in” around 6 a.m., and they don’t “clock out” until 8 p.m.—seven days a week.

If that statistic doesn’t speak volumes, another study found nearly 70% of moms are the breadwinners in their home.

Moms deserve—and need—a break, which is why we’ve gathered me-time activities from real moms to give the mom in your life the perfect Mother’s Day.

Getting a massage
Moms carry the weight of the world on their shoulders, so it is no wonder the number one desire for me time is massage time. Unwinding, relaxing, rejuvenating and refueling is not only an appealing activity, but a necessary one that moms won’t do unless they are told to.

Pampering oneself
Motherhood takes a lot of time and energy. Having time to care for and pamper oneself is a great activity. Going to a salon to get a fresh hairstyle or getting nails done is the perfect pick me up.

Indulging in a meal made by someone else
Moms make sure everyone has a full belly, multiple times a day. They spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Enjoying their favorite meal made by someone else—even if it is takeout—would be sure to put a smile on their face.

Sleeping, sleeping and more sleeping
Who doesn’t love sleep? Enjoying sleep and forgetting about the unending to-do list is a great escape.

Binging television or movies
When do moms watch their own shows on television? After the kids are sound asleep. Exhausted, moms muster up enough energy to relax and watch their favorite shows. Give them the day to binge TV and movies—and throw some popcorn into the mix.

Shopping, and not for groceries or anyone else
Give mom a shopping spree, away from the grocery store. Make sure to tell her to shop for herself and no one else.

Enjoying the outdoors/sun
Sitting on the deck enjoying the quiet, laying in the sun, gardening, or going for a walk: the list of activities for moms to do outdoors is long and often untouched. While this me-time seems simple, it’s enjoyable in that very simplicity.

Taking a long, uninterrupted bath
Aside from the obvious benefits of a hot bath or shower, having one uninterrupted is a dream for moms. Taking a long bath or shower—or many—is both relaxing and sure to make mom happy.

Spending time with friends
Getting out and enjoying friends is always a great idea. A day or evening away from responsibilities with adult conversations and interaction will definitely be a hit with mom.

Originally posted 2022

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