TeacherLists Blog

Transitioning from Teacher to Administrator with Ease

Credit: seventyfour74/123RF

First, let us just say, congratulations on your new position! Going from teacher to admin is a big change, and you’ve worked hard to achieve this goal. As with any new job, the transition period can be tough. We’ve rounded up 6 ways to set yourself up for success, from easing your anxious mind as a new admin to making a good first impression.  


Remember Your Background 

You have spent years as a teacher– that means you’ve already spent years as a leader. Channel your background and use what you’ve learned as a teacher to navigate the complications of your new role. Between time management, conflict resolution, and decision-making, your teaching background has given you many of the soft skills admins need to thrive. Developing those skills further will only make the transition that much smoother!  


TIP: Part of the job is having difficult conversations often. Sharpen your listening skills to ensure that everyone feels heard and that you’ve left room for nuance. Remember that listening to listen, rather than listening to respond, is key! 


Think About Your Career Path 

A new job is always going to come with difficulties, especially at first. When you get discouraged, write down your career goals (yes, even the lofty dreams) and map out how to get there. While things rarely go to plan like you’d expect, take this as a reminder that despite the difficulties, you’re on your way to making those dreams a reality.  


Make Yourself Visible and Available 

At the end of the day, what students and teachers need is support from their admins. Make a point of going to after-school activities like sporting events, performances, galleries, etc… Not only will you get direct insight on the happenings in your school, but you’ll also gain the trust and respect of your teachers and students. The sooner you do this, the better your first impression as admin will be. 


Develop Your Own Style 

While it’ll take some time to fully develop your approach to administration, don’t be afraid to experiment with different methods of doing the work! Talk with your mentors about their approach for inspiration.  


Open Your Door 

If you have an office, keep your door open. Students and teachers will feel much more comfortable approaching you with a literal open-door policy. 


TIP:  Decorate your space a little! Colors have a profound effect on our moods, and a warmer space will be more pleasant to work in– not to mention, it will help others feel more comfortable in your office too!  


Ask for Suggestions and Feedback (Regularly!) 

Depending on how new you are to the position, you may not be in the place to ask for feedback yet– but you can still ask for suggestions! Invite your teachers into your office for their ideas and concerns, and create an environment that allows for open dialogue. Ask for feedback as needed, rinse and repeat.  

Originally posted 2023

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