TeacherLists Blog

Use Your (Summer) Time Wisely

It might not officially be summer yet, but nearly half of the country is already on school break. So, regardless of what the calendar says, it’s summer time! This can mean a welcomed change of pace for parents — a time to slow down and steal more moments with the kids. And, if you’re lucky, it’s a chance to catch up on a little “me time.”

Go ahead, kick off your heels and slide into some sandals. Throw ice into your latte and take sips not gulps. Savor every cannonball and charred hamburger, and take two helpings of potato salad — we won’t tell! This is your vacation too, and every day counts including the last.

So it’s important not to get caught in the end-of-summer rush. Thanks to a little work in between hammock rides and Mai Tais, you can ease into fall without skipping a summer beat.

Unpack Before You Unwind

How many times have you unearthed a backpack only to discover it jam-packed with stuff? And we’re not just talking paper. Do yourself a favor and clean out your child’s backpack right away. Don’t be the person to find a two-month old sandwich left inside!

After you dump the contents, give the backpack a vigorous shake. Then watch it rain pencil shavings and snack crumbs — once invisible to the naked eye. (Better yet, use the pointy tool on your vacuum hose.)

Next, assess the damage. Can any tears and holes be mended? Can that wade of gum be removed? Then run the backpack through the washer and hang to dry. Come end of summer, you will thank yourself for taking a “fix it and forget it” approach.

Tip: That stuff you emptied is going to turn into clutter. Read How Does Your Paper Problem Stack Up?

Supply and Demand

The second best thing to a beach day is bargain shopping, and summer is full of deals at retail giants. There are cyber sales like Amazon Prime Day (June 21 and 22) and markdowns around the Fourth of July. This is a great time of year to find back to school items without paying full price.

If you haven’t got a clue on what to buy, try TeacherLists.com. This is where you can find school supply lists and do all your shopping right on the spot.

No need to keep checking the website. TeacherLists.com makes it easy with an email notification sign-up for parents who have better things to do – like build sandcastles.

Just hop online today to search your school and find your list.

Clean Slate (and Plate)

This third item isn’t something you can add to a shopping cart, but it’s a real game changer. If there are (small) behaviors from last school year that caused (big) headaches, take the summer to adjust them.

Maybe your picky eater was costing you $15 in school lunches every week. Use the next few months to grow your child accustomed to whatever you were packing in vain. Remember, it can take a child 10 or more times to like a new food. So don’t give up on SunButter and jelly sandwiches just yet!

Tip: Reinforce preferred behaviors with summer reading. Check out these 35 Children’s Books That Teach Kids About Emotions.

The next several months will go by fast. And, oftentimes, we leave things to the last minute when we are choosing between fun and work. That’s why it’s important to use your summertime wisely.

Do a few things now and get a jump on back to school. Chipping away a little at a time will turn your mountain of work into grains of sand, keeping you on the beach a little while longer!

Originally posted 2021

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